Friday 16 March 2018

REVIEW: Switch Hitter by Sara Ney

Switch Hitter by Sara Ney

I knew something was wrong the second she walked in the door tonight; I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

Same hair color.
Same legs.
Same face.

Except…I look harder.
At the small dimple beneath her lip that wasn’t there the last time we went out. And her laugh—that laugh isn’t as loud.

This isn’t the girl I’ve gone out with the past few weeks.
It’s her twin sister, and they’ve switched places on me.

Only I’m not quite ready to let them switch back.

*Included in anthology, Team Player

Caroline's Review


Adored this little novella! 

"This girl has secrets she doesn't want me finding out, and I want to know what they are."

Amelia and Lucy are twins. Pretty much identical in looks but very different in personalities. Lucy is the outgoing, showy, flirty one. Amelia is the quieter, smarter, straightforward one. When Lucy double books herself for two dates, Amelia begrudgingly takes her place on a date with one of the college jocks. However, she's completely surprised when she meets Dante 'Dash' Amado. He's the opposite of the jock stereotype she was expecting.

"In an instant he knows. He just doesn't know that he knows. And he's confused."

From the moment he sees Lucy on what will be their third and final date, he notices little things about her that are different. She's really not his type - definitely not the type he'd bring home to meet his mother. But on this date, she seems to be different from the Lucy he's become familiar with. The differences bug and confuse him but, at the same time, draws him in and he's keen to see her again and make a serious go of their relationship. 

This was such a fun, sexy book. Amelia and Dante were fab characters! I loved reading about them and was so sorry that their story was over so quickly. Dante is SUCH a hottie! I loved his seriousness and his sharp powers of observation. Amelia is adorable. The tricky situation she found herself in amused me greatly but she's such a good person - the antithesis of her flighty sister. 

Their chemistry was amazing! The 'non-kissing' scene was hot as hell! Gah! I can't wait for the new novel in this series, where I hope to see more of them. 

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